The People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "China"), founded on October 1, 1949, is located in the east of Asia and the West Bank of the Pacific Ocean. The common language is Mandarin and standard Chinese characters, and the capital is Beijing. China is the most populous developing country in the world, with the third largest land area in the world. It is the second largest economy in the world and continues to be the largest contributor to world economic growth.view the website

Tianjin, referred to as "Jin", is a municipality directly under the central government of the people's Republic of China, a shipping center, logistics center and modern manufacturing base in northern China. Tianjin is the largest port city in northern China and an international comprehensive transportation hub.view the website

Since its founding in 1919, Nankai University has forged a strong academic reputation. Known as the ‘North Star’ among China’s higher education institutions, it has gathered many academic leaders over the years, and inspired generations of students, building a model for higher education in China.As one of the most excellent almuni, China's first PM ZHOU Enlai studied in Nankai University. view the website